Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Minutes of Meeting held on 7.7.2007

Blank Noise Kolkata held a meeting at 3 p.m. in Selimpur on 7th July 2007 (Saturday).

Attendees were:
1. Dana Roy
2. Shuktara Lal
3. Anuj Dasgupta
4. Anupam Kenji Himora Das Adhikari
5. Saptarshi Chakraborty
6. Sunayana Roy (it was at her place)

After introductions were performed, the group sat down with the questionnaire circulated last week (for the 30th June meeting). Eventually we discussed all the ideas that we had, and how we could work them out. These were:

a) Photographing the molesters who are found in public transport, especially the Metro (I have personally found that photographing works best on the Metro, whereas whipping out a camera phone in public buses tends to alienate public sympathy rather than otherwise). We thought about asking the Metro authorities if we may put up a notice board with the photographs we take, next to some key ticket counters.

b) Forming one (perhaps more) all male addas. Women may attend but not participate, and will attend only on that condition. The idea is to question the male attendees on what they have experienced when they have tried to stop molestation; on how they feel and act when they are walking with a female friend who is molested in their company. We thought of having Anuj working as an agent provacateur (he says his appearance will be of help) and stirring things up by taking the viewpoint of the molesters. We are considering Coffee Pai as an avenue perhaps (suggestions welcome). How about aiming for this by the end of July?

Our aim is to understand why more men don't step in, and hopefully sensitise them on the role they can play if they are bold enough.

c) Bus skits. After identifying routes and times when the bus is full but still offers some space for performance, Anuj suggested having two, perhaps three 'performers' (that is us) discussing an issue pertaining to street sexual harrassment loudly, and throwing open the discussion to our fellow travellers. Also possible on the local trains, but will need much more work.

d) We also discussed the option of taking such semi-skits to schools but decided that can only be done at a later stage.

The next meeting has been fixed for Saturday, 14th July 2007, at T3 (Park Street) from 3 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Please don't be late because it is not easy to get any work done there once the crowds start coming in.

Points for the next meeting:
i) Fixing logistics for a, b and c.
ii) Enrolling new members
iii) Collecting information about who can help us out

Bring anybody you think would be interested. Since it is already Tuesday, please contact them at your earliest convenience so that they can adjust their schedules accordingly.

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